What does it take to make
the future worth living?

CARING FOR THE FUTURE underscores our commitment to assume responsibility – for our customers, for future generations, as well as for the society we live in. For this reason, we are proud that the different ethnicities, age groups, and talents of our employees give our Group a diverse and colorful face.


A responsible approach

The Jagenberg Group acts responsibly with foresight and prudence. This is reflected in our comprehensive j-united 2025 corporate strategy. The aim of this strategy is to actively shape the future and work together to find innovative solutions to new challenges. Our focus is on high-tech future areas, profitable growth, and global customer orientation, while according the same level of strategic importance to the subject of sustainability. We are committed to a balanced and sustainable future through our multifaceted approach, which guarantees a harmonious combination of technological progress, growth, and environmental responsibility.

With three business segments – Machinery & Plants, Automation, Drives & CE‑Safety, and Digital – the companies within the Jagenberg Group pursue the overarching goal of developing solutions that meet high technological standards. In doing so, as a group of companies, we are not limited to one specific application area, but instead provide comprehensive solutions for various industries.

Our innovative solutions are used all over the world in different markets. We cover a total of 11 application areas, mainly in the plastics and packaging industry, battery manufacturing sector, and decor industry. Yet our expertise is also in demand for applications in the textile industry.


The real value of a company lies in its employees – their commitment, their attitude to their work, and their awareness of how they contribute to the company’s success. In line with our credo “Create.Future.Together.”, we promote a working environment that is based on trust and gives our employees the opportunity to contribute their passion and share their ideas on a daily basis. This collaborative spirit enables them to actively shape the future direction of our group of companies through the introduction of innovative products and services.

Our employees are the cornerstones of our success and thus an essential part of our j-united 2025 corporate strategy.


Claudia Schwan,
Sales and Marketing Assist, Kampf GmbH

“At Kampf, health is given the high level of priority it deserves. Our measures are as diverse as they are tailored – for trainees as well as for managers, for those working in production as well as in administration.”


In order to consistently improve sustainability performance across all production sites, the Jagenberg Group pursues a systematic approach to monitoring and managing the emissions generated by its business activities. The basis for our “Strategic Emission Steering” concept is a transparent assessment of the emissions generated by business processes. Each production site has an individual emission profile based on consumption data, making it possible to devise targeted measures with optimal efficiency. Key indicators are electricity and gas consumption, fuel consumed by company vehicles, water use, the amount of waste generated, and carbon emissions associated with travel.


Protecting the environment and mitigating climate change are essential to preserving the foundations of social and economic existence. Our commitment is focused on continuously improving our environmental and climate footprint.

We carefully gear our processes, products, and services toward achieving this overarching goal and strive to minimize any negative impact on the environment and climate. As a group of companies, we are committed to our environmental responsibility when pursuing our business activities at our various locations around the world. Consequently, we carefully assess our production-related carbon footprint and implement effective measures in order to play our part in achieving the global climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement.


We put a high value on integrity at the Jagenberg Group, in keeping with our corporate values of reliability, togetherness, and mutual trust. Our value system is complemented by the principles of fairness, respect, openness, and honesty.

The success of the Jagenberg Group is based on clearly defined rules and areas of responsibility along with transparent processes. In order to ensure ethical conduct in line with our values and standards, the Group has established a comprehensive, Group-wide governance system.

Our ethical standards:  
Principles of Responsible Governing

How do the members of Jagenberg Group interact so that we can live up to the trust placed in us and protect our reputation? How do we expect our suppliers and partners to behave and which irrevocable rights do we attribute to all people? Learn here about the details!

Download our behavioral code, the behavioral code for suppliers and, as part of our human rights strategy, the declaration of principles of human rights.




Sustainability Report 2023


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Sustainability Report 2022